The following is a description of the user entry and calculation field given in the image of the IDMT time current curve calculator given in Figure 14.32.
Pickup current. (Is) DATA ENTRY
This is the value at which the relay will start to operate and is usually the current transformer primary
turns ratio. So, if this is 400/5 for instance, enter 400. This does of course assume that the relay
matches the secondary winding of the current transformer.
Curve type
Choose from the drop-down menu from the following options. IEC standard inverse, IEC very inverse,
IEC extremely inverse, IEC long time standard inverse IEEE moderately inverse, IEEE very inverse and
IEEE extremely inverse.
Current Multiplier. (x Is) (Range: from 0.5 to 2 in 0.05 intervals)
Enter a value that corresponds with the relay setting. For instance, if the relay is a static, digital, or
numerical type of relay this can be obtained directly from the relay setting sometimes via slider
switches or digital readout. So, a current multiplier of 1 will be the pickup current x 1 or 100%. For
electro-magnetic relays the detail can be obtained from the plug bridge and the tapping range is usually
50%, 75%, 100% (For a 5-ampere relay, 100% means 5A), 125%, 150%, 175% and 200%. Some
manufacturers may use 1.5, 3.5, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.75 and 10A. For example, for a CT rating of 100/5A, if
the relay is set to operate at 5A then the plug setting will be equal to relay current setting/5A = 5A/5A
= 1 or 100%. For a relay to operate at 2.5A, the plug setting (for this example) will be 2.5A/5A = 0.5 or 50%.
TMS (Time Multiplier Setting)
Choose from the drop-down list from between 0.05 and 1. For static, digital, or numerical type of relay
this can be obtained directly from the relay setting sometimes via slider switches or digital readout.
For electro-magnetic relays, the detail can be obtained from the time dial on the front of the relay,
this is shown in Chapter 8: Data Collection
section 8.4.2 Electromechanical Inverse Definite Minimum Time Relays.
Definite Minimum Time
This field gives the ability to apply a definite minimum time for operation of the relay when the tick
box is checked. Different relays give a different threshold for minimum time for operation which, when
stated, are usually at 10 to 40 times the pickup current as adjusted by the current multiplier. So, for
instance, if the pickup current is 100 amperes, the current multiplier is 2 and the definite time
threshold is 20, then the curve will follow the relay curve characteristic up to 4000 amperes (100 x 2 x
20). Above that threshold, the time to trip will remain static or in other words a definite minimum time
for operation. There will be no definite time for operation if the tick box is left unchecked.
The effect of the current multiplier, the time multiplier setting, and definite time threshold can be shown in Figure 14.33 below. So, in this example, the pickup current is 100 amperes, the current multiplier is 2 and the definite time threshold is 20. So, the set pickup is 200 amperes (100 x 2) and the definite time threshold is 4000 amperes (200 x 20).

Figure 14.33 IDMT Effect of settings.
Arcing Current
Enter the arcing current from the IEEE 1584 incident energy calculator (calculator 1) both for actual
and reduced values. Clearly, the arcing current must be greater than the pickup current as adjusted by
the current multiplier for the relay to operate.
A time current curve for the full range of time multiplier settings will be displayed for the relay data
entered when the submit button is selected. Curves can be deselected by clicking on the associated
colour block at the top of the graph. In addition, a time to trip based upon the arcing current given will
be displayed. The arcing current can be changed to consider the minimum arcing current from the IEEE
1584 incident energy calculator to take account of possible increased trip times.
Allowance for relay error and switchgear operating time
Do not forget the relay error and switchgear operating time. Trip times are made up of relay reaction time + trip coil delay time + circuit breaker mechanism operating time. All relays have errors in timing which have to be declared if manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 60255. We must also factor in the time for operation of the switchgear. This again can be obtained from manufacturer’s data, commissioning, or timing tests but as a guide for the purposes of an arc flash calculation a generic allowance can be built in. A table of allowances and generic switchgear operating times are given in Chapter 8: Data Collection.